Je Hu Tao F2P friendly?

Yep! Hu Tao is one of the best DPS characters in the game. Not only can they deal loads of damage with crit damage, they also provide the rest of your party bonus crit damage too, making them incredibly valuable.

What is the best F2P artifact for Hu Tao?

Crimson Witch of Flames is the best artifact for the DPS Hu Tao build, with Shimenawa's Reminiscence being an alternative. Your stat and substat priorities should be around ATK%, Pyro DMG Bonus, and Crit Rate/DMG. Pair Hu Tao with Hydro and Cryo applicators for powerful Vaporize and Melt reactions.

Je Hu Tao F2P friendly?

Is Hu Tao beginner friendly?

Fans should also be aware that using Hu Tao in Genshin Impact can be technical because optimal combos, such as dash/jump cancel, along with HP and stamina management, are required. This makes her somewhat less beginner-friendly.

Is Ganyu F2P friendly?

4 – Ganyu. If you are wondering "is Ganyu F2P friendly", the answer is a yes. Being one of the best DPS in the game, Ganyu also owns a slot in the list of Genshin Impact F2P friendly characters.

Is Xiao not F2P friendly?

Xiao has since become one of the strongest DPS characters in the game, thanks to his trademark ultimate that lets him decimate enemies with really jacked up plunge attacks. While he's not the most F2P-friendly character out there, Xiao can work in a lot of team compositions to become a devastating damage dealer.

What is the best F2P weapon for Hu tap?

1) White Tassel

Despite being a 3-star selection, the White Tassel is one of the best free-to-play weapons for Hu Tao in Genshin Impact. Although it has a lower Base ATK than the 4-star and 5-star options, it has enough value to be a powerful DPS weapon. The White Tassel gives a CRIT Rate of up to 23.4% upon ascension.

Is Hu Tao good at C0?

Hu Tao is a good unit at C0. However, C1 improves not only her overall DPS potential but also her ease of use by making her cancels more fluid, giving her more i-frames by letting her dash cancel, and increasing the total number of Charged Attacks you can execute.

F2p C0 Hu Tao Nuke Guide | Hitting 1 million dmg | HuTao Showcase | Dragons bane r5 | Genshin Impact

Is Hu Tao better at low health?

While it's true that Hu Tao deals better damage at low HP, trying to keep her there all the time can be inefficient.

Is Yelan or Hu Tao better?

So, if you're looking for a meta DPS character, Hu Tao is your best bet. If you've got a lot of DPS and are lacking in any better supports, Yelan is the one you should go for! You definitely don't want to skip this banner. It's always once in a blue moon that Genshin Impact can give us banner reruns that go so hard.

Who is the most F2P friendly 5-star?

Best F2P friendly 5-star characters in Genshin Impact

  • Raiden Shogun has very good F2P weapon options (Image via HoYoverse)
  • Kazuha is one of the best supports (Image via HoYoverse)
  • Yelan is one of the best Hydro units (Image via HoYoverse)
  • Zhongli has a very powerful shield (Image via HoYoverse)

Is Yanfei F2P friendly?

Yanfei is a 4-star Pyro user who works great in a DPS role, but some free characters work better with her in a F2P team comp than others. Yanfei is a 4-star Pyro user in Genshin Impact, and she works well in a DPS role.

Who is the most F2P friendly character?

Best F2P friendly 5-star characters in Genshin Impact

  • Raiden Shogun has very good F2P weapon options (Image via HoYoverse)
  • Kazuha is one of the best supports (Image via HoYoverse)
  • Yelan is one of the best Hydro units (Image via HoYoverse)
  • Zhongli has a very powerful shield (Image via HoYoverse)

Is Raiden F2P friendly?

2 Raiden Shogun

Another Archon who is among the best characters for F2P players is the leader of the Land of Thunder, Inazuma. Raiden Shogun's best F2P weapon was released along with her debut. This Polearm, The Catch, can be refined to maximum refinement simply by fishing throughout Teyvat.

What is a good F2P sword Genshin?


  • Amenoma Kageuchi. The Amenoma Kageuchi sword has an impressive secondary Attack stat of 55.1% at max level. …
  • Iron Sting. Another great four-star weapon is the Iron Sting. …
  • Prototype Rancour. …
  • Prototype Archaic. …
  • Snow-Tombed Starsilver. …
  • Whiteblind. …
  • Katsuragikiri Nagamasa. …
  • The Catch.

Does Hu Tao need C2?

C2 – Ominous Rainfall

At C0, Blood Blossom doesn't scale with Hu Tao's HP, which is where players would be heavily investing in Hu Tao. After unlocking C2 Hu Tao, the Blood Blossom will start scaling with her HP, dealing more DMG and having a more useful role in Hu Tao's kit in Genshin Impact.

Who is the best DPS at C0 Genshin?

Genshin Impact Best Characters Tier List

  • C0. Alhaitham. Main DPS. C0. Hu Tao. Main DPS. C0. Kazuha. Support. C0. …
  • A. C0. Albedo. Sub DPS. C0. Ayaka. Main DPS. C0. Childe. Main DPS. …
  • B. C0. Ayato. Main DPS. C0. Cyno. Main DPS. C0. Itto. …
  • C. C0. Diluc. Main DPS. C0. Eula. Main DPS. C0. Klee. …
  • D. C0. Aloy. Sub DPS. C6. Traveler (Anemo) Sub DPS. C6. Traveler (Geo)

Is Hu Tao more powerful than Diluc?

Of the two, however, Hu Tao's Constellations are more worth it and more robust than Diluc's. The C1 Constellation ensures Hu Tao doesn't run out of gas while the C6 turns her into an immortal Crit monster. Diluc's Constellations are tamer and won't turn him into the same level of demigod-ness as Hu Tao at C6.

Should I get Hu Tao or Yae Miko?

Yae Miko's kit is more flexible than Childe's and Hu Tao's, as she can deal consistent damage even when she's off-field thanks to her elemental skill. Doubling it down with Electro-Charged is definitely the way to go, as she pairs extremely well with a Hydro sub-DPS.

Who is the best friend of Hu Tao?


Canon. Hu Tao and Xingqiu are both best friends according to their voicelines and Hu Tao's 5th character story.

Who is the most F2P friendly 5-star Genshin?

Best F2P friendly 5-star characters in Genshin Impact

  • Raiden Shogun has very good F2P weapon options (Image via HoYoverse)
  • Kazuha is one of the best supports (Image via HoYoverse)
  • Yelan is one of the best Hydro units (Image via HoYoverse)
  • Zhongli has a very powerful shield (Image via HoYoverse)

Who is the weakest 4 star in Genshin?

Amber. Arguably the worst character in all of Genshin Impact, Amber's Pyro Bow abilities are overwhelmingly unimpressive, especially when compared with those of fellow Pyro Bow character Yoimiya. Amber is so pitiful that she almost deserves to be in another lower tier that is entirely made just for her.

Which character is not F2P friendly?

Yoimiya. Yoimiya would probably be amongst the least F2P friendly characters. She's basically a 5-star Yanfei without stamina consumption.

Who is the best F2P 5-star in Genshin Impact?

Best F2P friendly 5-star characters in Genshin Impact

  • Raiden Shogun has very good F2P weapon options (Image via HoYoverse)
  • Kazuha is one of the best supports (Image via HoYoverse)
  • Yelan is one of the best Hydro units (Image via HoYoverse)
  • Zhongli has a very powerful shield (Image via HoYoverse)

Who is the best F2P Genshin streamer?

Genshin Impact is a free-to-play (F2P) role-playing game first released in September 2020. In June 2023, 懶貓 (failverde) was the top-ranked Genshin Impact streamer, having accumulated approximately 426,222 viewer hours on Twitch in the preceding 30 days.

Who is the best F2P DPS in Genshin?

One of the best F2P DPS Ningguang, who can output an insane amount of Geo DMG from her burst. This team focuses on buffing and maximizing Ningguang DMG. Xingqiu and Diona can create freezing to create additional DMG reactions.

What is the best F2P claymore?

Irrespective of how silly it may look, Luxurious Sea-Lord is currently the best F2P alternative for Eula. This weapon was a free reward from a previous event in Genshin Impact and can no longer be obtained by newer players. As an event reward, players can easily max out its refinement with little cost.

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